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Planning a flight to see your grandchildren? Get expert insights on the safety measures and considerations. Make informed decisions with Heirloom. Read for:

Is Air Travel Safe to Visit Grandchildren? | Expert Insights

Grandma with Grandchild

Is there a more important question on your mind?  I always want to visit my grandchildren, but with the times as they are, I feel like I must visit my grandchildren.

Due to the COVID pandemic, our shared lives of isolation, mask-wearing, handwashing, vaccine appointments and worry during the past 18 months have had a fundamental purpose -- keeping those we love healthy.  Now more than ever we want to return to our greater purpose -- keeping those we love happy.

How do we know if it’s safe to take an airplane flight or two and visit them?

First and foremost, get fully vaccinated. Our CDC is clear that this is the most important way to protect yourself and others, emphasizing the recommendation that travel should be delayed until you are fully vaccinated.

Before making the decision to travel, consider these important guidelines:

  1. Know your own health status. Being at risk for other health conditions that may require healthcare services not readily available in your visiting area, increases your risk of not being home.
  2. Have at least two weeks pause after your second COVID vaccination, and ask your provider about the booster.
  3. Maintain your wellness practices, including obtaining the influenza vaccine, available now.
  4. Learn about the current vaccination and outbreak rates at your planned destination.
  5. Are you symptom free? Many people choose to obtain a simple home-based rapid COVID test a few days prior to traveling to confirm their health status.
  6. Can you limit your risk exposure for a few weeks before your scheduled travel? Stop visiting the gym, have your groceries home delivered, and visit your friends virtually, for example.